ASD Pathway
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What happens now my child is on the ASD Pathway?
It is important to remember that just because your child is on the ASD
Pathway, they will not automatically receive a diagnosis of ASD after their
The ASD Team needs to get information from different sources. This may take time
but is an important part of being able to come to a decision about whether your child
has ASD or not.
Based on your child’s needs, the ASD assessment may include one or more of the
- A neurodevelopmental history. This is a conversation about you, your family
and the history of your child’s development so far. - A Developmental Paediatrician assessment
- A Speech and Language Therapy assessment
- A Clinical Psychology assessment
- A joint assessment with your child and two members of our team
- A school observation
- A school questionnaire
- The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) assessment
- Once all the assessments your child needs are done & a decision about your child is
made, the team will let you know in a feedback session. - After your feedback you will get a report of the assessment & the outcome. Then
you and your child will be discharged from the ASD Pathway.
What can I do to help myself manage my child’s challenges whilst they are in the process of getting assessed?
This booklet outlines local & national services that you may find helpful.
Local Offers
A Local Offer shows what is available in your area.
- Liverpool’s Local Offer:
- Sefton’s Local Offer:
Liverpool Services
The Liverpool Autism Training Team
Free training on ASD for parents of children with & without a diagnosis. Contact the
team to find out which training is best for you. They also run free drop-in sessions at
Children’s Centres throughout Liverpool.
Tel: Tracey Williamson on 0151 233 5946
Email: [email protected]
Liverpool Parent and Carers Forum (LivPaC)
LivPaC is a group of parents, carers of children and young people with special
additional needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They give parents and carers a voice.
They use their experience and feedback from families to help others plan and make
services. All parents & carers can go to LivPaC coffee mornings to meet other
parents and share experiences.
E-mail: [email protected]
SEND IASS services provide free & confidential, impartial advice & support to
children/young people 0 – 25yrs, with special educational needs and/or disabilities
(SEND), and their parents/carers. Liverpool and Knowsley SEND IASS is a
combined service for people in Liverpool and Knowsley.
Topics covered include: Advice and Support relating to School Admissions &
Appeals, Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP), Tribunals, Disability
Discrimination, SEN Support, Transport, Exclusions and Post-16 work.
Tel: 0800 012 9066
E-mail: [email protected]
Liverpool Parents’ Interest Group
The group is for Parents, Grandparents & Carers of children with ASD, ADHD &
related conditions. They meet once a month and all are welcome. They sometimes
ask professionals to do talks.
Contact: Babbs Blueet-Duncan
Email: [email protected]
Young Person’s Advisory Service (YPAS)
YPAS support the mental health and emotional wellbeing of children & young people
aged between 5 – 25 years & their families. They provide support and therapeutic
services such a counselling, psychotherapy & family work.
Tel: 0151 707 1025
Email: [email protected]
Fusion Project
Fusion Project helps children & parents/ carers access a variety of ‘breaks’ such as
leisure & play breaks, friendship groups & holiday breaks.
Tel: 0151 233 3620
E-mail: [email protected]
Sefton Services
Sefton Carers Centre
If you care for someone under 18 years old who has a physical disability, learning
disability or emotional/behavioural condition (diagnosed or undiagnosed) then Sefton
carers provide a variety of parent advice and support.
Tel: 0151 288 6060
Sefton Parent Carer Forum
A community of families who have children with disabilities or additional needs.
They offer support to each other and work with service providers to create quality
services that meet the needs of all parent carers & their children.
Email: [email protected]
Jakes Sensory World & Garden
Held at Netherton Activity Centre, this is a place for children to access soft play, stay
& play and sensory experiences. They also help organise birthday parties.
Tel: 0151 525 5106
Aiming High
This group provide sessions during term-time and holidays for young people with
needs. They give support when young people reach key ‘transition points’, such as
moving from school into work.
Email: [email protected]
Autism & Social Communication Team
A team run within the Sefton Inclusion Service. Provides support, advice & coffee
mornings as well as the chance to talk about issues with a professional involved in
the area of social communication difficulties.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0151 934 2347
Sefton Council for Voluntary Service (CVS)
A charity that provides a project called ‘Buddy Up’. This is a mentoring & befriending
project for young people aged between 13 and 18 who have additional needs & are
at risk of social isolation.
Tel: 0151 920 0726
SEND IASS services provide free and confidential, impartial advice & support to
children/young people 0 – 25yrs, with special educational needs and/or disabilities
(SEND), and their parents/carers.
Tel: 0151 943 3334
E-mail: [email protected]
Parenting 2000
They provide information about a range of topics, therapeutic services & counselling
to children, young people, families, adults & groups. They run Alchemy Youth Club
for young people to meet friends and increase their confidence.
Tel: 0151 920 7137 / 0151 932 1163 (Crosby) & 01704 380047 Southport
Liverpool & Sefton Services
ADDvanced Solutions Community Network
They offer training, support & social activities for families with children with
neurodevelopmental difficulties.
Tel: 0151 486 1788
Email: [email protected]
The Isabella Trust
They provide information, support & training to parents of autistic children and
children with sensory processing difficulties.
Tel: 07956 749 774
Email: [email protected]
Alder Hey FRESH CAMHS is part of the Liverpool CAMHS Partnership. They
offer specialist services to support children and young people in Liverpool &
Sefton (up to the age of 18) who are experiencing mental health difficulties.
Tel: 0151 293 3662
Email: [email protected]
Merseyside Youth Association (MYA)
Merseyside Youth Association (MYA) provides support services to children & young
people. They have different creative & educational projects for children & young
Tel: 0151 702 0700
National services support – information and contact details
The National Autistic Society (NAS)
The National Autistic Society has lots of information about ASD. It can be used by
young people, families and schools. They also offer access to training.
Tel: 0808 800 4104
Email: [email protected]
They know how hard it can be to get a good night’s sleep. They have online
sleep guides and a sleep advice service.
Tel: 0800 328 1159
Email: [email protected]
Bladder & Bowel UK
The Bladder & Bowel UK website has a range of resource leaflets you can download
for free in relation to toilet training. They have articles and resources about ASD &
toilet training too.
Tel: 0161 607 8219
Email: [email protected]
A charity that helps families to get equipment they may need to improve their child’s
quality of life.
Tel: 01543 462 777
Contact us
Tel: 0151 252 5252
Email: [email protected]
Please note:
This booklet only gives general information.
You must always discuss the individual treatment of your child with the appropriate member of staff. Do not rely on this booklet alone for information about your child’s treatment.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust is neither liable for the contents of any
external internet site listed, nor does it endorse any commercial product or service
mentioned or advised on any of the sites.
This information can be made available in other languages and formats if requested.
This leaflet only gives general information. You must always discuss the individual treatment of your child with the appropriate member of staff. Do not rely on this leaflet alone for information about your child’s treatment.
This information can be made available in other languages and formats if requested.
PIAG: 223