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Speech and Language Therapy Service (Liverpool) PIAG 0021 (234kB)
What is Speech and Language Therapy?
Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) is a specialist service that can help support your child’s speech, language and communication need in collaboration with you and their setting. Sometimes we also see children with eating and drinking difficulties (dysphagia).
It does not provide an instant ‘fix’ for a child’s difficulty, but helps find ways to support development.
Our aim is to always work with parents/carers and settings to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to continue input. All our evidence tells us in order for speech and language therapy to work and have good outcomes this is the best approach.
We offer specialist, quality advice and strategies to skill you up, enabling you to confidently succeed in supporting your child’s needs for the future.
What is a Speech and Language Therapy referral?
A referral to the Liverpool Community Speech and Language Therapy Service is a request for collaborative working.
This means the SLT service working in partnership with parents / carers and educational settings to achieve the best outcomes for your child.
People who can refer to the SLT service are:
- Health Visitor
- Nursery staff
- SEN link worker
- Paediatrician
- Other Health Workers
The person who is referring to the SLT service will have spoken to you about why a request for collaborative working needs to be considered at this time.
This is the first stage in getting lots of information about what your worries or settings concerns are in relation to your child’s speech, language and communication; what you have tried already; what is worrying you the most; and how you think SLT could help.
Your child’s first appointment
Children will be seen for their first appointment in a community clinic. This is so we can talk with you about what worries you have about your child’s speech, language and communication and how we can work together to get a good plan.
This plan may or may not require direct input from us. We may talk with you about other people in your child’s life who can help, and also other agencies and local groups that can offer advice.
Who we see
The Community Speech and Language Therapy Service sees lots of children and young people across Liverpool. They may have:
- Speech sound difficulties
- Difficulties with understanding of language
- Difficulties putting words together
- Social communication difficulties
- Eating and drinking difficulties
Children and Adults who Stammer are seen by the specialist SLT team at the Willy Russell Centre.
The Therapist will talk with you about what impact your child’s difficulties are having on their life and work with you to agree a plan to best support this.
How can you help your child before the appointment?
There are lots of organisations across Liverpool that can help you support your child’s communication needs.
Children’s Centres are a great place for advice and activities for children under 5 years.
Your child’s school may have additional resources set up to help with communication development. Speak to the school SENCo for information.
You can also find useful information and contacts on our service page.
What if my child does not attend (DNA) or cannot attend an appointment?
The Speech and Language Therapy Service is extremely busy and currently has a waiting list for a first appointment. We operate a strict access policy to ensure all children get an appointment as soon as possible.
We have an ‘Opt in’ system. When your child is near the top of our waiting list you will be sent a letter asking you to book in a suitable day, time and clinic. If you do not respond within 2 weeks of the letter we will assume you no longer need to be seen by the service and we will discharge your child.
If you have an appointment with us and DO NOT ATTEND you will be discharged from the service and no further sessions will be offered. If you feel SLT collaboration is still required you will need a re-referral.
If you CAN NOT ATTEND your arranged appointment for any reason please ring us BEFORE the session. A new appointment can be arranged.
Please be aware that if two consecutive appointments are cancelled by you, this may result in your child being discharge from the service.
If you would like to discuss this policy please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our Patients Matter
More than anything, we want what we do to be the very best that can be done. If you are unhappy about any aspect of treatment or service you and your child has received, we want to know. Please tell us.
PALS is the Patient Advice and Liaison Service. It’s here to help sort out questions and concerns you may have.
PALS also helps the NHS to improve services by listening to what matters to patients and their families and making changes when appropriate. PALS will also advise you about making a complaint and refer you to the Complaints Service.
This leaflet only gives general information. You must always discuss the individual treatment of your child with the appropriate member of staff. Do not rely on this leaflet alone for information about your child’s treatment.
This information can be made available in other languages and formats if requested.
PIAG: 021