Information for parents and carers
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Help your child's speech develop (pre-school) – PIAG 0092 (195kB)
Some children find it difficult to know which sounds to use in a word and this may make their speech hard to understand.
Your child may make mix sounds up as their speech is developing, they are not being lazy; this is a normal part of their speech sound development. However, some children continue to have difficulty using the correct sounds, these children may require Speech and Language Therapy.
If your child says words that are not clear don’t correct them. Instead ‘model’ the word back to them using the right speech sounds (focus on what your child says, not how they say it)
Don’t ask your child to repeat words if they make an error just repeat it back to them correctly.
- You SHOULD say – ” Yes… your car, big car, fast car.”
Do not
- DON’T say – “It’s not tar say car! Say it again… C-AR!”
Encourage your child to use gestures and actions to help you understand what they are saying or to show you what they want.
Remember…take your child’s dummy out when they are trying to talk.
Look at for more information on speech sound development
and extra talking tips.
This leaflet only gives general information. You must always discuss the individual treatment of your child with the appropriate member of staff. Do not rely on this leaflet alone for information about your child’s treatment.
This information can be made available in other languages and formats if requested.
PIAG: 0092