Paediatric Dentistry Department
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Inhalation Sedation for Dental Treatment (Young Child) PIAG 125 (397kB)
Hello! I am Fluffy the Bear.
Last week I had magic air sedation and had my tooth fixed at the dentist.
The dentist is someone who helps look after my teeth. I see them in a dental surgery.
Magic air helps make fixing my teeth easy.
Getting ready
When I saw my dentist, I sat in a chair and the dentist looked at my teeth with a small mirror. My tooth had a hole in it and the dentist took a photograph (called an x-ray) of it to see it better.
The dentist said that I needed the hole to be fixed or my tooth would start to hurt. To make fixing it easy, I could have magic air.
The day I had my tooth fixed
Before I had magic air, I had breakfast but I did not eat too much.
I sat in the dentist chair, and the dentist and the dentist’s nurse showed me a mask to wear on my nose.
The mask looked like an airline pilot’s mask and I could hold it on my nose.
So that it didn’t fall off my nose, the dentist laid the back of the chair down so I was lying flat. Tubes were attached to the nosepiece to let the magic air go through them.
Having my tooth fixed
The dentist dried my tooth with cotton wool and washed my tooth with numbing liquid. My tooth felt all tingly, fuzzy and numb.
The dentist cleaned my tooth with an electric toothbrush that squirted water and made a buzzy sound. I had a filling put in the hole.
The dentist and nurse held a light over my tooth to make the filling hard and strong.
I breathed the magic air through my nosepiece. I felt nice while my tooth was fixed. When my tooth was mended, I started to feel less tingly and the floaty feeling began to go away.
The dentist sat the chair up gently and took off the nosepiece. My head felt a bit dizzy but it was alright.
After 5 minutes, the dizzy feeling had gone, and I sat in the waiting room and played for a little while. My tooth still felt tingly and numb, and the dentist told me not to bite my lip while it still felt funny. I then went home and played quietly. My tooth stopped feeling tingly after I left the dentist and now it feels good because I don’t have a hole anymore.
The design and artwork of ‘Fluffy the Bear’ by John Holroyd is gratefully acknowledged
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PIAG: 125