Local Authority Appointment
Term of office appointed 2012
Who am I?
I am Cabinet Member for Education, Employment and Skills at Liverpool City Council and the elected member for Yew Tree ward since 2007. During this time, I have been a member of many select committees including Housing, Education, Audit and Governance and I was the lead member for Strategy and Performance at Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority for eight years. I currently Chair Liverpool SACRE and I am the Deputy Chair on Mersey Forest Steering Group.
What do I bring to this role?
I have an extensive experience of education, governance, scrutiny and a commitment to better opportunities and outcomes for children. I am parent of three adult children and one grandson, all of whom have needed to visit Alder Hey Hospital both on the old and new site.
How can I be contacted?
I can be contacted via the following e-mail address: [email protected]