Before submitting a request for corporate information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, please check to see if the information is already available on our website:
Our Guide to Information provides links to routinely published information.
Our Disclosure Logs contain copies of responses to previous requests.
Requests must be made in writing and contain your full name and correspondence address. Please include as much detail as you can to help us identify the information you require.
How we process requests
We acknowledge all requests and consider if the request is valid, requests should be in writing, contain your full name, and contact address and clearly describe the information being requested. If the request doesn’t describe what information is required, we will seek clarification.
If valid, we will check to see what information we hold that relates to the request, if we do not hold any relevant information, we will let you know as soon as possible, and we will try to direct you to where you might be able to access the information.
If we hold relevant information, we will supply it as soon as possible within the legal deadline set out by the Act, this is within 20 working days from receipt of the request or clarification on it.
If some or all of the requested information cannot be provided, we will tell you the reason for this. There are some exemptions set out by the Act which we take into account before deciding if the information held can be released.
If it will take more than 18 hours to locate, retrieve and extract the information to respond to your request then we are entitled to refuse the request. Before refusing a request on this basis we will however work with you to look at other ways of providing the information so that your request does not exceed the statutory limit set by the Act.
As a general rule, a copy of the information available via our website will be free of charge unless providing the information would require significant amounts of work or photocopying. Although any charges for internet service providers and personal printing costs would have to be met by the individual. For those without internet access, a single printout from the website is available from our Information Governance Team.
Requests for multiple printouts or copies of archived documents that are no longer accessible or available on the web may incur a charge (retrieval, photocopying, postage etc.). We will let you know of the cost and charges that will have to be paid in advance. We will not provide printouts of other organisations’ websites.
Patient information leaflets can be accessed via our website and are available free of charge.
Provision of glossy or other bound paper copies or in some cases a CD ROM, video or other mediums may be subject to a charge. You will be advised of the charge at the time of your request. E-mail will be free of charge unless otherwise stated.
Charges will be reviewed on a regular basis. Where a fee is to be charged, notice will be given within 20 working days of receipt of the request. If we do not receive a payment within three months of issuing a Fees Notice, we are no longer obliged to respond to the request.
Making a complaint
If you are not happy with the information provided you have the right to request a review or our response. in the first instance this should be addressed to our Information Governance Manager by email to [email protected] or in writing to:
Information Governance,
Alder Hey Children’s Hospital,
Eaton Road,
L12 2AP
If you ask for a review and are dissatisfied with the outcome, you have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner under Section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act. Online at Make a Complaint | ICO or in writing to:
Information Commissioner’s Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,