Become a member of Alder Hey
Are you interested in joining thousands of others in becoming a member of Alder Hey?
By becoming a member of Alder Hey, you can make a real difference by helping us to gain a better understanding of the needs of our patients, parents and carers and improving the services we provide.
Membership is free and is available to anyone aged seven or over. As a member, you can be as actively involved as you wish, from receiving our newsletters to attending our Annual Members’ Meeting or even standing for election to our Council of Governors.
We have four types of members:
- Member of the public
- Patient
- Parent/Carer
- Staff
Sign up today, for free, using the below form.
Existing members
Please provide us with your email address, if you haven’t already, so that we can keep in touch with you digitally and reduce how much we print by emailing [email protected].