Alder Hey is honoured to have been among four NHS Trusts who were awarded the Honorary Freedom of the Borough by Sefton Council last night. Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Southport and Ormskirk NHS Trust, as well Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, were also awarded the Honorary Freedom of the Borough by Sefton Council.

Freedom of the Borough is the highest ceremonial honour Sefton Council can bestow. It will stand as a permanent record of the Borough’s endless appreciation and debt of gratitude to the Trusts and their staff.
Organisations receiving Freedom of the Borough gain the ‘right, privilege, honour and distinction of marching through the streets of the Borough on all ceremonial occasions with colours flying, bands playing, drums beating and bayonets fixed’.
In a special ceremony held at Bootle Town Hall, Mayor of Sefton Cllr Clare Louise Carragher presented the award in recognition of the dedication, sacrifice and heroism shown by local healthcare workers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dame Jo Williams, Chair of Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and Louise Shepherd, Chief Executive of Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust said:
We are hugely honoured to be recognised and to have been awarded the Freedom of the Borough from Sefton Council. It is fantastic recognition for our staff and colleagues who have worked tirelessly and bravely during the Covid-19 pandemic.”