Professor Baba Inusa – a passionate modern leader in the field of sickle cell
Professor Inusa is the current chair of the national haemoglobinopathy Panel, Professor of Paediatric Haematology, King’s College London and Lead Consultant Paediatric Haemoglobinopathies, Evelina London Children’s Hospital, Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust.
He has done outstanding work with a passion for sickle cell and has contributed to research and medical advances in this field of medicine. I met Baba as a student nurse at St Thomas’ Hospital when on placement on the general medical ward. I am embarrassed to say that as a white man from the Midlands I had never even heard of sickle cell, let alone had any understanding of the disease, the impact of daily life, or the horrific effects of a sickle cell crisis.
Baba took the time to educate, and ensure we not only understood the disease but strived for best treatment for this group of patients, medically and in a truly holistic way. At the time, Baba was the only black consultant in the general paediatric workforce, he showed bravery and courage and demanded better care for patients with Sickle Cell. I literally owe everything I know about this condition to him and this has stayed with me through my career. And his contribution has improved the treatment and management of this disease.