Infection Prevention and Control Department
Information for parents and carers
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Hand Hygiene – It’s OK to Ask – PIAG 030 (147kB pdf)
Working in partnership to reduce infections
We all carry millions of germs on our skin. This is normal but if hands are not kept clean they can become a source of infection. The main way that germs spread from one person to another is on the hands. We transfer some of the germs from our hands every time we touch something.
Hospital patients are more vulnerable to infections as they are often already unwell and may be undergoing procedures i.e. surgery, which can make it easier for germs to enter the body.
To reduce the risk of infections spreading to our young patients it is important that
everyone keeps their hands clean.
Our staff know the importance of good hand hygiene in preventing infections and
understand that you will want to see them cleaning their hands before they care for your child
It’s OK to ask
Please do not be afraid to ask any member of our staff if they have washed /sanitised their hands when they are caring for your child. They will expect to be challenged about their hand hygiene and will not be offended. Please be reassured that your child’s treatment and care will not be adversely affected if you question staff
This leaflet only gives general information. You must always discuss the individual treatment of your child with the appropriate member of staff. Do not rely on this leaflet alone for information about your child’s treatment.
This information can be made available in other languages and formats if requested.
PIAG: 030