Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service
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Looking at Books With Your Child PIAG 0097 (134kB pdf)
Books are a great way to spend some quality time with your child. Reading and looking at books together is a really good way to support their language and communication. So find a quiet place, turn the telly off and snuggle up with your child’s favourite books!
Top Tips
- When children first start to look at books don’t worry about reading the words. Look at the pictures together and talk about what is happening.
- Don’t rush your child, if they want to spend more time looking at the picture and talking about the story, that’s OK. Go at their pace and don’t worry if your child wants to start looking at the book from the middle page. Remember to follow their lead.
- Sometimes children like to read stories over and over again. Repetition is good for your child’s learning as they get to hear lots of the same words over and over.
- Reading together should be fun so try not to ask your child too many questions about the story and pictures. Asking too many questions can make a fun activity seem like a test.
- Be interactive! For example if the story or picture has an action word like “jump”, both of you could jump in the air. This will add real meaning to the words and pictures.
- Why not visit your local library or Children’s Centre, some have story time sessions and you can borrow books. It can also be lots of fun to make your own book. Take a camera on your days out and create stories all about the things you do together.
- See for lots more ideas.
This leaflet only gives general information. You must always discuss the individual treatment of your child with the appropriate member of staff. Do not rely on this leaflet alone for information about your child’s treatment.
This information can be made available in other languages and formats if requested.
PIAG: 0097