Getting to the Alder Centre and parking

The Alder Centre is located on our Children’s Health Campus. It is situated away from the hospital, so you do not need to walk through the hospital, as parking is available nearer to the Centre.
Car Parking
Visitors to the Alder Centre can use the car park underneath or near to the Catkin Centre and Sunflower House building, meaning you do not need to walk through the hospital to access the Alder Centre.
To access the parking
To access this car park, please drive towards Alder Hey’s Emergency Department (please use the sat-nav postcode L12 2AP) via Eaton Road, but take an immediate right before the Institute building (the wooden building), and follow the road to the car park
Directions to The Alder Centre

By car (red route on map)
Enter from Eaton Road entrance and take your first right, drive past Institute in the Park and follow the road. Security may stop You, inform them You have an appointment at The Alder Centre. Follow the walking route to access the building.
Disability access via car (red route on map)
Enter from Eaton Road entrance and take your first right, drive past Institute in the Park and follow the road. Security may stop You, inform them You have an appointment at The Alder Centre and you require Blue Badge parking. Parking will be under Catkin and Sunflower House. Ramped access available (blue route on map) join the access from hospital route (orange route on map) to The Centre.
By bus or walking (purple route on map)
Enter from Eaton Road and follow the purple line. The path will lead to steps that lead up to The Centre.
Access from the hospital (orange route on map)
From the A& E entrance following the orange line.
There is no road access via Alder Road.
Parking is currently free for users of the Alder Centre. Please inform the parking attendant you are visiting the Alder Centre and they will direct you.