Our aim is to provide a high-quality Specialist Speech and Language Therapy service to children, young people and adults with permanent severe to profound deafness. Our role is to assess communication and offer ideas and suggestions to help in partnership with our clients. We also work closely with other professionals to provide advice and information.
All the Network therapists are highly trained and experienced, having carried out further studies in deafness, including qualifications in British Sign Language.
Referral information
Children or adults of any age, with permanent severe to profound deafness can be referred to this specialist service.
For children, referral is usually made via the Teachers of the Deaf or Audiology team who complete a specific referral form. However anyone can make a referral, as long as parental consent is obtained for under 18s. Adults can self-refer.
As we work across Cheshire and Merseyside, please contact us using the details above for the relevant referral form for your area.
Meet the Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist in d/Deafness team
- Ellen Swann, Consultant SaLT in Deafness/Network Manager, Liverpool/Regional
- Louise O’Toole, Knowsley & Liverpool
- Ursula McCormick, Liverpool
- Karen McIver, Liverpool & Sefton
- Rebecca Sarker, Liverpool
- Vicky Grey, Sefton
- Emma Mottram, Wirral
- Catharine Clarkson, Mid Cheshire
- Helen Chidlow, East Cheshire
- Sarah Rae, Halton
- Helen O’Donnell, Liverpool, St. Helen’s & Warrington
- Lois Hatfield, West Cheshire
- Adam Ociepka, Network Administrator & Project Support, Liverpool/Regional
Top tips for communicating with Deaf People
For those who don’t have issues with hearing, it can be difficult to communicate with deaf people. So we asked Kim, a Cochlear implants user, to provide some top tips to help out.