When children become adults, it is normal for them to make decisions for themselves and to lead a more independent life. Children’s health and care needs also change as they grow up.
Transition to adult services (Transition) is the name given to the process of moving on from children to adult services.
Transition is an important journey. It is essential that professionals work in partnership with young people and their families to ensure that they get the support they need every step of the way. The young person and their family should understand what is happening and feel confident and in control.
Some young people will have long-term conditions (e.g. diabetes, epilepsy) and the transition will be mainly concerned with moving on to Adult Health Services. Other young people may have learning disabilities or social care needs. Their transition will be more concerned with moving on to adult social or learning disability services. A small number of young people with complex long-term conditions will have support from health, social care and special education. When this happens, it is important that these services work together to coordinate the different transitions.
Our team will help make this transition as smooth as possible.