The Paediatric Continence and Enuresis Service in Sefton is led by a Specialist Nurse covering both North and South Sefton
The service provides advice and support to children and young people with:
- Toilet Training issues
- Constipation and soiling
- Daytime and Night-time wetting
- Children and young people with additional and complex needs who may require a continence containment product.
We provide assessments in clinics, homes and via telephone, with ongoing support tailored to meet the needs of the individual.
We accept referrals for children and young people from ages 4 to 19 years, who have already received sufficient input from the Health Visitor or School Nursing Team and require further support.
The child or young person must have a GP based in North or South Sefton and referrals are accepted from:
- GPs
- Consultants
- Health Visitors
- School Nurses
- Other health professionals
- Educational settings
- Voluntary sector
To refer to the continence service please use the referral form available online. Please ensure that the form is completed in full and that any support that has already been provided is clearly documented in the referral. Completed referrals can be e-mailed to the team at [email protected]
Sefton Clinics
- Monday – May Logan Healthy Living Centre (Weekly) 10am to 4.30pm
- Tuesday – Southport Centre for Health and Wellbeing (Weekly) 9am to 5pm
- Wednesday – Hudson Family Wellbeing Centre, Maghull (Bi-weekly) 9.30am to 2pm