About our Renal Ward
Our Renal Ward is located right next to Ward 3C in our hospital on the third floor. This ward is for children and young people with kidney conditions who need renal replacement therapy.
The ward is made up of five-bed spaces, one of which can be used as an isolation cubicle. The age of patients in our Renal Ward varies from birth up to 18 years of age.
Treatment times
Coming for dialysis has a massive impact on family life and it can be hard to juggle treatment and home life. We will always try to provide preferred times and be sympathetic to family life away from the hospital where we can. One of the senior nurses will inform you of your allocated time.
We ask that you arrive for your treatment slot on time so that all patients can receive their treatment in a timely manner. If the unit is busy when you arrive you may be asked to wait in the parent’s room along the corridor.
If your child needs to be admitted, please bring all your child’s medicines with you and give them immediately to your child’s nurse, who will tell you where and how they will be stored.
Repeat Prescription Requests for Renal Patients
Contact the Renal Pathway Coordinator on 0151 252 5221 or email [email protected]
Please allow at least seven working days for repeat prescription requests. Short notice requests will result in a longer waiting time for you in the Pharmacy Department.
Please state clearly the patient’s name and Alder Hey or NHS reference number.
For partial prescriptions, please list which medications are required.
For full prescriptions, please state “full script”.
Please state the date you will be collecting the medication.
If requesting via phone, please leave a contact number.
Haemodialysis patients are entitled to free transport to and from dialysis. This is booked by unit staff at a central centre. If you require this, please ask a member of staff.
Transport requires patients to be ready for up to 2 hours before their session time for pick up. Any changes to transport times or destinations must be discussed in advance with staff and they will make the arrangements. There may be a wait of up to 90 minutes for amended transport arrangements.
If you are entitled to claim your travel expenses, you can reclaim the money by taking your form to the cash office situated in the Atrium, by the entrance to the multi-storey car park. The Cash Office is open Monday to Friday 9am to 4.30pm.
Renal Ward facilities
As the Renal Ward is joined onto Ward 3C, patients and families can benefit from the facilities offered in that ward. This includes the small kitchen area, where parents/carers can prepare hot drinks for themselves or their children.
Renal Ward mealtimes
Our Renal Ward shares a dedicated ward chef with Ward 3C. They will provide your child with a lunch and will take advice from dieticians, for those on a dietary restriction. Colleagues on the ward are responsible for providing breakfast as requested. As a general rule, patients receiving dialysis cannot eat during the last hour of dialysis, as this can compromise treatment.
Visiting our Renal Ward
The ward has limited space, so we ask that you please try to keep numbers down by having one parent/carer attend with one child. Siblings should not attend on a regular basis, however in exceptional circumstances please inform staff if you need to bring them.
Infection prevention
We ask that anyone going onto our Renal Ward wears a facemask. Don’t worry if you don’t have one of your own, or if you’ve forgotten, you will be able to get one at the entrance to the ward. We also ask that you use hand sanitising gel when entering and leaving the ward. For more information, go to our visiting guidance page.